Thursday 07 October 2021 14:30
Lyon , 8-10, rue de Castries 69002 Lyon
Sale information

Expert : Olivier Houg 06 07 38 28 35

Public exhibitions :

Wednesday October 6th from 10am to 12pm and from 2.30pm to 6pm

Thursday 7 October from 10am to 12pm.

Special conditions of sale in application of the governmental measures related to the COVID 19: The exhibition and the sale are accessible only to the persons provided with the SANITARY PASS which will be systematically required and controlled.

Biography of Stani Chain :

Stani CHAINE, also known as Plastic Lézard, Elsa Münsch, Saint Eniah'c

Writer, teacher (Letters & Art History), lecturer, art critic, journalist, and French columnist, born on August 3rd

1952 in Lyon (France)

President of ACARA (Association des Critiques d'Art Rhône-Alpes) and member of AICA (Association Internationale des

Art Critics)

Collaboration :

- Written press -

Lyon Poche ;

Libération Lyon, culture and gastronomy;

Le journal du Printemps de Bourges ;

Revue Dada ;

Art Press ;

Artension ;

Show ;

Verso Arts et Lettres ;

"La Lettre" of ACARA ;

Artefact ;

Neuf de coeur, Éditions du Seuil ;

- Television -

TLM cultural programs and columns:

"La Quotidienne", culture columns

"Le Stanibroyeur", "Les 400 coups de Stani

- Radio -

Radio Canut ;

Radio Bel-Air ;

Exhibition curator (Corbas, Lyon, Turin, Algiers...)

- Cultural Center "Le Polaris", Corbas -

Initiales, in collaboration with the DRAC and MAPRA, (Alerini - Claire Chevrier - Emmanuel Durand - Alain Fraggi - Vincent

Girard - Éléonore Litim - Jean-Paul Meiser - Noulette - Yves Olry - Mathilde Papapietro - Pierre Privolt -Salim Toraubally), 1992 ;

Parlez-moi de moi (Les Émoïstes : Fabien Martinand, Gérard Mathie, Chantal Payet), 1993 ;

Le corps (Gérard Bignolais, Nicole Crestou, Christiane Guillaubey), 1993 ;

Vingt sur Vin (20 visual artists: sculpture, painting, photography, installations), 1994 ;

Nus (15 artists: sculpture, painting, photography, installations), 1994 ;

Mémoires Corbasiennes (Marc Pessin, Frédéric Jean, Karen Firdmann, Didier Michalet), 1995 ;

Lyon-Corbas-Turin and Torino-Corbas-Lione (14 artists), 1995 ;

Artias, 1996;

Hommage à Jean-Jacques Lerrant (70 artists), 1996 ;

L'École de Paris et après (Daniel Bohbot, Hanna Ben Dov, David Lan bar, Henri Nesme), 1997 ;

Art populaire et traditionnel, with Gérard Lattier, 1997 ;

Rires (17 visual artists), 1998;

Around Claude Roy (Cartier-Bresson, Zao Wou-Ki, Cris Marker, Claudia Otto, etc... and the writings of Jean Daniel, Roger

Grenier, Jean-Bertrand Pontalis, Hector Biancotti...), 1999 ;

L'URDLA at the Polaris (prints and artists' books; tribute to Jean Raine), 1999 ;

Arts Primitif / Arts contemporains (30 regional and Italian artists, works and objects of the primitive arts), 2000 ;

La Peinture à l'eau c'est plus rigolo, 2000 ;

Mireille Vernet (poetry and photography), 2000 ;

Claude Couffin, 2001 ;

Giorgio Ramella, 2001;

Lovato, with Mélanie Morand and Didier Caillens, 2002 ;

Mots d'images, 2002;

Erutti, with Sarah-Mireille Perret, 2003;

Noirs, Blancs, Couleurs, 2003;

Petits monstres et doudous d'ogres (Olivier Ferrieux, Nico Juret), 2004 ;

Signes et traces, 2005;

Des Rives -Corbas, Lyon, Alger- (Hachemi Mokrane, Rachida Azdaou, Ommar Bourras, Norredine Feroukhi, Fabien Martinand,

Gérard Mathie, Sylvie Margot, Claude Couffin), 2005;

Oxymores (Lucien Mermet-Bouvier, Émile Morel, Irina Petravic, Évelyne Rogniat), 2006;

All indicators are green, Gilles Baise, Brigitte Derbigny, Roger Groslon, Yves Henri, Danièle Tisseyre, 2006 ;

Image fixe, Image Mobile, Rachida Azdaou, Claude Gazier, Didier Michalet, Serge Guillou, Marie-Françoise Prost-Manillier,

Emmanuel Durand, 2007;

Objeux, Tobas, Patrick Sapin, Lionel Stocard, Charlotte Herben, Yves Olry, Pascal Guichard, 2007

15 years of Polaris / 25 years of MAPRA, 2008 ;

Concerts, Tchangodei, Lionel Stocard, 2008);

Expressionnismes, 2009;

Entre autrefois et aujourd'hui - Act 1 (Paintings), Jean-Daniel Salvat, Frantz Metzger, Robert Guyon, Jacques Peizerat, Gérard

Gasquet, Francky Criquet, 2009;

Entre autrefois et aujourd'hui - Act 2 (Volumes), Ghyslain Bertholon, Olivier Bertolloti, Frédérique Fleury, Pascal Liegme,

Christophe Ribereau-Gayon, March 2010;

Between then and now - Act 3 (Around Miloslav Moucha, painter), Miloslav Moucha, David Frank, Wilfried Prager,

Gérard Bourgey, 2010 ;

Richard Vessaud (1st exhibition). Performance by Sophie Décoret, 2010;

Between then and now - Act 4 (Around Françoise Lonardoni, art historian), Giambattista Piranesi, Hans

Vredeman de Vries, Fabienne Ballandras, Frédéric Khodja, Jérémy Liron, Lydia Solana, 2011 ;

Other collaborations with:

DRAC Rhône-Alpes, Maison des Arts Plastiques Rhône-Alpes (MAPRA), Centre International Estampes et Livres (URDLA) -

Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie, Lyon - L'Embarcadère, Lyon - Galerie Dettinger, Lyon - Galerie Le Lutrin, Lyon - Galerie Vannoni,

Lyon - Centre d'Arts Plastiques de Vénissieux - La Ferme du Vinatier, Lyon -Fondation-Musée Hébert/La Tronche, Isère -

Maison des Arts de Thonon-les-Bains, Artrium-Auditorium Maurice Ravel, Lyon - Château de Pizay, Rhône - Taninges Art

contemporary, Haute-Savoie - Centre d'Art contemporain de Lacoux, Ain - Galerie La Bussola, Turin - Turin, Galerie Il salto dell

Salmone,Turin - Gallery En ple

Sales conditions