Thursday 19 November 2020 13:00
Crédit Municipal de Lyon, 221, rue Duguesclin 69003 Lyon
Sale information
SASU CONAN-FILLATRE member of the GIE des commissaires-priseurs du Crédit Municipal de Lyon, Etudes CONAN-FILLATRE-BREMENS-BELLEVILLE-SCHINTGEN
- for private individuals, live only

- for professionals, the sale is accessible only to people who have received confirmation of their registration request by email to the study and within the limit of 6 people in total.

Special conditions of sale in application of the governmental measures related to COVID 19: sale by appointment, live only for individuals and on registration for 6 authorized professionals.

The conditions of registration and pricing are on the respective sites. You have the possibility to leave purchase orders online on these sites or also by email on giecreditmunicipal@gmail.com
The refusal of access to the auction room will not be considered as an obstacle to the freedom to bid, the dematerialized means allowing you to access this sale. Putting on line and photos on our various sites is worth prior exposure.
Sales conditions