Guillaume DUCHENNE DE BOULOGNE (1806-1875), founder of neuro - Lot 199

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Guillaume DUCHENNE DE BOULOGNE (1806-1875), founder of neuro - Lot 199
Guillaume DUCHENNE DE BOULOGNE (1806-1875), founder of neurology, he was the "master" of Charcot. Autograph letter signed to a fellow doctor. 4 pp. in-8, with his embossed figure. Superb letter on a clinical case of hysterical hemiplegia. "The young person on whom you ask my opinion, has a weakening of the muscular force, and also, but to a lesser degree, of the cutaneous sensitivity in the whole left side, lower limb, and especially upper limb. I am convinced that this hemiplegia is not dependent on a pathological state of the nervous centers, and is intimately linked to a most manifest chloro-anemic state, with which a little hysteria is associated. In a word, it is a weak degree of hysterical hemiplegia. I have indeed noticed a double carotid murmur on each side, mixed with musical noises. The symptoms of hysteria are not very pronounced, but the weakening and sensibility of the muscular strength of the left side is for me one of the important signs of this affection. Seizures do not exist, but nervous impressionability is accused by the young person. The therapeutic deduction to be drawn from what precedes, seems to me to be the following: ". He details at length the way in which he envisages the treatment (hygiene of life, food, hydrotherapy, medicines), in particular with the taking of capsules whose composition he details. And then the electricity. "If Miss lived in Paris, I would have started by advising some electro-cutaneous and muscular excitations, which I put above other means in the present case; which means that, if the weakness of the left side persists, it will be necessary to come, without too much delay, to this means which I always saw succeeding in the species".
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